Against My Boots

Today I put on my size 10 knee high boots and I put them against some crawdads that think they are tough. I move each victim up to the camera and I compare my boots to their small pathetic bodies… I try to give them a chance to get away since they have so many legs and I only have two. I love the ones that crawl right underneath my boots. Boy they sure did pick a bad place to run. They are not tougher than my boots. I remove their claws. I step on their backs, keeping them alive until my boots are ready to slowly crack every ounce of their pathetic bodies… Some crawdads get my heel right to their face making it the last thing they ever see. I put some in front of the camera and casually keep walking by until my boot makes contact and comes crashing down on them. So now I ask you… Who do you think is tougher? My boots or these crawdads? (evil laugh)


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