Alexandria’s Maid

So Alexandria has had the same maid for years now but never asked her to be a part of the team. She just came over, did her job and left. Part of her duties though, were to take care of all the fish over the years. Feed them, clean there water and make sure they stayed alive until it was “their day”! Well today, Alexandria got a bunch of itty bitty fish so that she can raise them to adult fish. I don’t know if she was just in a bad mood, or finally had enough of all the goldfish over the years! She claims, “Alexandria doesn’t pay me enough for this bullshit”… So “Cruella” sits down and contemplates the situation until she decides that she IS NOT going to raise these fish, she’s had enough! She knows what the fish are for, so she decides she is going to rid these itty bitty ones by swallowing them herself! She knows she is taking a chance of being fired, but her anger overcomes her better judgement! She swallows them all and then states that “she should’ve done this a long time ago” and “maybe now, she’ll just become a member of the team”….


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